Gordian Knot

I am still struggling with the third chapter's story. When I began writing, I thought it was going to a simpler story, but these characters and their stories have developed in something a little more complicated that I had expected.  I put myself on a pickle because I came with a continuation to some characters that weren't supposed to appear in the 3rd act, but for these characters to return and conclude their arc the protagonist has to do something really stupid, and also for the era that I am setting the story in, a bit extemporaneous. The general idea for this event was there from the start, but I thought I could drop it if I thought I wasn't going to pull it off. But not anymore.

The Gordian knot is half unravelled thanks to one of the new characters that I decided to mould into something of a J.G. Ballard character. After that bit I hope it's going to be fair winds until the end of the chapter.

December is going to be a busy month.

And in totally unrelated news, I am reading this.

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