Music for "The L&D of LFFdB"

Since AI generated music has very little going on from my experience, I needed to source music for my project elsewhere; and this being a no budget- solo project, I had to find a suitable solution. I think personal authorship rights are very important, but there is many things that are wrong, in how intellectual property rights have come to be. Regardless I was going to have to work within the rules.

Fortunately my story can be furnished with old and classical tunes very well, so my first idea was to find recordings of classical music that were distributed either under a attribution-commercial license or just as in public domain (CC By or CC 0 in creative commons parlance).

Then I found about the Great 78 Project, and I found it very suitable to my project, as I could use popular music to broaden the nuance around the development of the events of the visual novel. Then, I found out about their legal problems with the recording labels, and I was saddened to lose such resource.

In the end I decided to investigate a little more about recording rights, and I found out that any recording prior to 1922 were considered in the public domain, so I decided to go with that, and use those scratchy, noisy, recordings in my Visual Novel.

In the same manner that I am doing the visual part of this project as an exaltation of painting styles of the past, the use of old forgotten recordings I think it serves the same purpose: there is a wealth of culture that belongs to Humanity as a whole, it's important to protect it and to give it new life.

Get The Life and Death of Louis FF de Bastin

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