
I am making progress in the writing of the second act, not fast, just steady. I don't like sitting with an empty mind about what is going next, I like to have a good idea about how the next scene is going to play. I do the same  when I am writing regular prose for a novel, but with a Visual Novel there is also the need to consider the different paths or alternatives,  which makes it more difficult to achieve the same level of progress in one sitting, or so it feels.

One thing I know about the medium that I am writing for for the first time, is the concept of a kinetic Visual Novel, which I guess 'The Life and Death of Louis FF de Bastin' at least is going to resemble to. I don't see multiple endings, and you can easily guess what type of ending it is going to be. I tend to begin writing stories with a clear idea of what the ending is going to be, and this one is not different.

So the choices I want to present to the reader aren't going to be all that relevant: it will only determine what content is going to be presented to them.

As a decision tree 'The Life and Death of Louis FF de Bastin' is just going to be a trunk with forks that return to the main line after a while. The reader cannot affect the fate of the protagonist, only how much enjoyment he gets in this trip.

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